Camp Carnivore - Meet to Meat
Camp Carnivore Menu

Camp Carnivore is proud to be celebrating our 10th year within the gates of Black Rock City. No matter if you are looking to Meet someone new and enjoy Meat together or if you are looking for an elegant option to the regular Theme Camp Buffett, Camp Carnivore is a must see in your Burning Man travels.


We offer a Meet & Meat eaters paradise as a place to call home On-Playa or for an elegant dinner option with a menu that is all about being a Carnivore.  If you are looking for an innovative & progressive thinking Theme Camp your in luck as we have just opened up Registration for 2012. As a Camp Carnivore resident you will have full access to all of our amenities and an always open kitchen with your choice of Meat at every meal - brilliantly prepared by our world renowned chefs. Once you have your Meat on your plate the Meet part is up to you;. heck you already have many things in common as Meat eaters to facilitate conversation. Some pickup lines that have worked in previous years start with "Have your tried the Bison, it melts in your mouth".


Are you a Meet or Meat eater? We are looking for New Campers - Registration is now Open!!!


If you are looking for dinner options while cruising the Playa - Camp Carnivore offers an exceptional Meat lovers delight.  We have some of the finest game meat from all over the world to tantalize your palate. Our eight person chef team comes from some of the top-rated restaurants in the country - They are here to create the most mouth watering Meat laden dishes you can imagine.  The atmosphere and ambiance to your dinning experience will be over the top, an eye catching and idea inspiring gallery of everything Meat.  You do not need to be a Camp Carnivore resident to Meet someone, Make your Reservations Now!!! Do not settle for Raman Noodles or Tofu for dinner.


With Camp Carnivores non Vegan/Vegetarian food options many have asked why be exclusionary? "It's not that we do not like Vegans or Vegetarians", says ScottoBobScotto, Camp Carnivore's Benevolent Dictator.  "Many of my best friends and friends of friends are not meat eaters, we just wanted a place to congregate, a place to call our own, a place we can be proud to be Carnivore's and Meet to Meat", continues ScottoBobScotto.


© 2012 - Camp Carnivore